Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Life is a Cartoon

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

No wait, that's an intro for something different.

Anyway, a long time ago my cousin Missy - who is frequently amused by my day-to-day life - made the comment that my life is like a cartoon.  Today, I accept this as reality.

It's been a longstanding joke with my friends and family that my life is not low-key, or even just 'normal'.  Nothing happens "a little bit" to us.  Gabriel's first fever was 105 degrees and came with seizures and a trip to the ER - thanks, Roseola.  First cold?  ER again - pneumonia.  Several of my friends told me when I first had Gabriel to watch out when changing his diaper - "beware of Old Faithful" they chuckled.  Then the giggles turned to all out belly laughs when I shared this story:  One of the first diaper changes I had with him involved both #1 and #2, and when I opened the diaper, Old Faithful made an appearance - all over me, and when I jumped back, all over the wall.  Then, because it was cold, Gabriel scrunched his legs up and got his feet all in his diaper, which he thought was weird, so he flung his legs back out - sharing the #2 with, you guessed it - me again, and the bedroom walls.  Anyway... you get the point.

So, today makes complete sense.

Graham has been sick for a while now, and so Troy and Graham stayed home from church.  Gabriel went with me, and fell asleep in my lap during the worship service, which meant that I got to spend the sermon with a 43 pound snoring and drooling child leaning on me.  It was great - I got to snuggle with him, which we don't get to do very much.  But at the same time, sheesh, is that kid heavy! 

Then we went home, I dropped Gabriel off, and went out to get my hair done.  Then I went back to get Gabriel and take him to the car wash with me.  Troy took his parents' truck out hunting, and it needed to be washed before it was returned.  Got to the car wash and realized that I had neither cash nor coin anywhere on my person.  The wash took a debit card, but the change machine only took bills.  So, we washed the outside of the truck, then loaded up and drove to the bank to get cash from the ATM.  You can only get increments of $20 from the ATM.  The change machine only gives quarters.  I did not want $20 in quarters.  So, Gabriel and I drove to the gas station and bought a candy bar so that I could pay with my $20 and get change.  Back to the car wash, where I parked at the vacuum cleaners.  Only to discover that they only take quarters.  Said quarters can be exhanged for paper money - ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE PARKING LOT.  Gabriel and I walked over, got change for a $5 - because I didn't want to have to go back! - and then headed back.  20 minutes and 8 quarters later, we finally left the car wash. 

After we got back home, Gabriel and I decided to wash Troy's car.  So we were sequestered in the garage for about an hour while we vacuumed, sprayed, scrubbed, and wiped out the Plymouth.  Now I am completely exhausted an laying on the couch watching "The Office".  Today was great, but ridiculous!

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