Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cute Stories

This is my favorite part: sharing the adorable things that the boys do and say, and saving them for ammo to humiliate them later! Love it!!

It's been quite awhile since I did these, so they aren't going to be in any kind of order... my apologies!

"Mommy, I don't feel good. I have a temperature"
"Do you want me to take your temperature?"
"No, I just want to keep it."
"Oh, well when I use the thermometer that is called 'taking your temperature'".
"... no its not..."

"Does Spiderman poop in his spidey-suit? No, it makes him so sad!"

When I was pretend fighting with Troy over who got to take a shower first on Sunday:
"It's ok mommy. It's daddy's turn now, it's your turn next. Don't cry."

Now has 6 teeth - 4 on top and 2 on bottom.
Learned how to climb up stairs today at church.
Is quite possibly the silliest little guy you've ever seen.

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