Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wow... 3 months changes EVERYTHING

OK, so here is the update:

Graham finally got over his ear infections - that's right... plural! He had to get some kind of amped-up antibiotic to get better though. He had a check up today and what did we find? An ear infection. There has been talk of possibly needing tubes in his ears, but I am praying that we won't need those. He turned one on Saturday, and it is crazy to think that my tiny little baby is now 1. I don't like it. His party was fun - at the park with all of our friends - and the weather was beautiful. At his appointment today he weighed in at a hefty 19 pounds and is now 28.5" TALL (not long anymore, as he is not a baby). He's still below the 5th percentile for weight and the 10th for height, but he's getting bigger so they are not concerned. As long as he is growing he's fine. We're getting words now, too. Mama, da, ba, bubba, do, dis, dat. Fun fun fun! Also, we got the go-ahead today to try and give him some cheese. BIG steps for us! We are going to wait until the weekend when both mommy and daddy will be home, incase of upset tummies.

Gabriel is now 2 1/2 (more accurately, 2 and 7 months) and weighs 33 pounds. He's been to see the doctor a couple of times in the past few weeks, because he has had non-stop diarrhea for going on 7 weeks now. After doing all kinds of tests and trying to eliminate certain foods, we are now scheduling an appointment with the GI doctor to do a 'flexible sigmoidoscopy' on him. This is the test that Graham had done at 3 months that determined he had colitis. They are thinking Gabriel might have a similar condition. Bummer! On a happier note, Gabriel is now potty trained (mostly) and enrolled in preschool. School starts in August, and every time we drive past it he waves and says "hi, preschool!".

Troy and I are doing well - just busy coping with everything. On top of all this, we are experiencing some serious issues with our van, and are currently working with Chrysler to buy our van back from us, so that we can purchase another one. Just one more thing in the series, right?

Gabriel, Graham and I witnessed a robbery yesterday, too. That was not fun. We were leaving the health food store where I purchased a foul-tasting tea that I am supposed to drink twice a day to help with nursing. As we headed out to the car, a nice gentleman from the store offered to hold the door for me. Just as we went out, we all noticed a man run out of the $.99 store with a bunch of stuff in his hand and dash into a car that was waiting in the parking lot. The man that was with me called 911 and told me I could leave with the kids and that he would stay behind to talk with the police. While I was buckling Graham into his seat and telling Gabriel to sit in his, the car returned and the man dashed back into the 99 cent store! The man on the phone with the police told me to get out of there, and jumped in his car. I slammed the door shut on the van and peeled out of the parking lot to the other side of the street where I could make sure that the man was OK, and buckle the kids into the car. It was crazy! Oh, the joys of living in a big city.

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