Saturday, December 20, 2008


He did it! Gabriel finally said "mommy"! I have been waiting 2 years (and change) to hear that word, and it finally happened! And it was a legitimate "mommy", not our rendition of the word, where Troy and I have to act as interpreters or anything, it was there! For those of you not up on this little quirk in our lives, Gabriel has never said the 'm' sound. It was always a 'b'. The cow says 'boo', and can he have 'bore' 'bilk' please? 'Bo?' Ok. It was cute, and endearing and all that, but I was tired of it! I wanted to hear my son call me mommy more than anything in the world. It happened as we were rushing to Target for yet another thing we forgot before heading to the White Mountains for Thanksgiving. I had Graham in the cart, and Gabriel and Troy were walking a ways behind me when I hear "mommy! Wait!" I kept going, because I didn't hear "bobby! wait!" which is what I am used to. Then it registered - that was Gabriel's voice! No way! So, being the naturally trusting and caring mother that I am, I ignored him to see if he would do it again! And he did. I will be honest - I started crying right there in Target. People were looking at me like I was insane (probably the same look on your face as you're reading this?) but it doesn't matter. My son said my name, and it was awesome!

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