Monday, November 24, 2008

Practice Thanksgiving

Our church had an early Thanksgiving Dinner together last night. It was a lot of fun - probably around 150 people showed up. We figured this would be a good dry-run to see how the boys tolerated the feast. Graham has been grumpy all day long, so it would appear that even the tiny bit of dairy that I had (a spoonful of mashed potatoes, stuffing and roll) was too much. Good information to have before we head off for the mountains - far away from any of Graham's varied specialists. Gabriel only ate a roll. He took bites and sniffs of everything else, but bread is his big deal right now. Oh, and a brownie. Figures. He is the anti-Atkin's kid. But, hey, its Thanksgiving, I don't care what he eats, so long as he is having fun.

I probably won't be able to post too much in the next few days. We're leaving Wednesday morning for the White Mountains in a Coleman Caravan (an Expedition and 2 minivans) and won't be coming back to Tucson until Sunday morning. Hopefully everything goes smoothly- we've never taken both boys on a road trip before - this is going to be interesting. We're staying on a ranch with Troy's family, and *gasp* they don't have Wi-Fi! How will we function without the magic of the internet? Luckily, we're bringing our portable DVD player, so Gabriel will still be able to watch Thomas the Tank Engine. We're not totally techno-addicted, although my mom thinks that I have been in the city for far too long. I told her about the wagon we're getting the boys for Christmas. It has an awning (essential in Arizona, if I may say), seatbelts and cupholders. She thinks I have gone completely yuppy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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