Monday, November 3, 2008

1st and 3rd Halloween

This Friday was Graham's First Halloween, and Gabriel's Third. That still blows my mind. Both of them are growing too fast for me... Gabriel is 2 - where did the time go?? i think that with expecting Graham and being so caught up in all of his medical difficulties, I have really pushed all of Gabriel's accomplisments to the back burner. I have to be honest that I suffer with terrible guilt over this. He is amazing, and I never want him to think that he isn't. The things that he can do, and the concepts that he is able to grasp and then communicate to us are overwhelming. Our bedtime routine for him has been - brush teeth, go potty, put on lotion, put on jammies, a story, a song, and go to sleep. A few weeks ago this stopped working. He just kept getting out of bed, and would get so upset when we put him back in. Finally one night, I just sat back and looked at him and said "son, what do you want?". He gave me a look that I will never forget. He blinked and said "more love". All he wanted was for us to cuddle him a little bit more before bedtime (which have done since that night) and he lays down and goes right to sleep. I would just get caught up in hearing his brother crying, and knowing that he was ready to go to sleep to, and I was anxious to reach my goal of both kids being in bed for the night - that I forgot that Gabriel is two, and he just wants more love. My husband and I talked about this yesterday and have decided to make a concentrated effort to spend more time with Gabriel - not just sitting around time, or 'paralell' time - but actual, energetic, 'excited-to-be-with-you' time. That said, I'm going to go play cars - eventhough I know that means I'm going to get the car with three wheels, and the dent in the door - I am excited to go!

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