Friday, November 21, 2008


Okay, I have been remiss in informing everyone on all kinds of things that are going on. So here we go:

Graham rolled over - October 1st, 2008
Graham said "dada" - October 7, 2008
Graham's first tooth - October 9, 2008
Gabriel said "mommy" - October 8, 2008
Gabriel's first dentist appointment - October 27, 2008
Graham first fed himself - October 15, 2008

These are some 'second firsts' for me - this hasn't happened since I was in middle school!
Jessi bought a pair of size 8 jeans - October 15, 2008
Jessi has to return them to get a size 6 - October 22, 2008!!!

More wonderful news - Gabriel had an allergy test done on Monday (that was a horrible experience, I don't want to talk about) where they tested him for indoor and food allergies. Since everything came back negative, they think that he has something called 'cough variant asthma' (this isn't the wonderful news part) which would explain why he seems to constantly have a cold or cough. Apparently in this kind of asthma, he wouldn't have an asthma attack, he gets a cough or cold-like symptoms. So, he is now on Singulair, and we are hoping that he starts to get better soon. The wonderful part was that he seems to have inherited NONE of the family food allergies! The concern there was a nut allergy (from me) so he was not going to be allowed to have peanut butter or other nut products until he was 4. To celebrate, Troy bought some Nutter Butter cookies to share with him, and a few days later, Gabriel and I shared an apple with peanut butter. He loves it!

We are ecstatic around here!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Okay, there's no way I can lie and say I'm not insanely jealous about this. I'm so happy and proud for you, but venemously jealous at the same time. I have started (and failed) so many diets in my life, and the other day I just got to a point where I said, "That's it! I'm sick of this!" You know how those old ladies who've lost their girlish figures look back at old black and white pictures and they're slender and gorgeous, and think "Boy, those were the days...", it sickens me that I don't have any pictures like that of myself. THESE are supposed to be my days to talk about when I look at pictures when I'm old and I don't have any pictures!!! I've always heard that to really succeed at weight loss you need to have a goal. Not just a goal number you wanna get to but a goal for why you want to lose weight in the first place. Other than being healthier, I've never been able to figure out a goal I really wanted for myself-- sad but true... maybe that's why I've always failed in the past. Well, Kevin and I are in the very early stages of house-hunting and until now we've only lived in apartments. So, the other day, I finally figured out my goal. By the time we buy a house and move in, I wanna be thin enough that he can carry me over the threshold!!! And not the piggy-back way either-- the real, romantic carry-me-over-the-threshold kind of carry. I've never let him even try, even after we first were married because I never saw these apartments as our "real" home. Just the thought of that happening makes me smile, so I've just decided, "That's it!" It's finally getting a little bit warmer outside here now, so I'm just gonna buckle down and do it. No more excuses! I'm gonna do and I'm gonna get the kind of body I'll wish I still had when I'm 90! Wish me luck! And if you did anything special (aside from chasing two boys under the age of 2) let me know! I could use all the pointers you've got. xoxo