Friday, November 21, 2008

Spontaneity Lives!

Drudge drudge drudge... dishes... laundry... housework... wiping noses... find the missing puzzle piece... not the blue cup - the orange one!... REPEAT

Is that what life has come down to? Sometimes it definitely feels like it. Of course, since its my life, you have to throw in the emergency room visits with sick babies; special-order meals with no dairy/soy (for me), no veggies for the most part (for Troy), no meat (for Gabriel - he's on a very random red meat strike...) and no dairy, soy or rice flour (for Graham); TV problems and car problems and that's it.

Well not the other day! I was wonderfully surprised when Troy came in the room and said "babe, do you want to go take a shower?" Wait. 'Wonderfully surprised'? How bad did I look? I know there were probably banana handprints on my shirt, and who-knows-what in my hair, but geez! I just kind of blinked and looked at him. After a pause he says "I thought we would go out tonight. To the Melting Pot." YES! The BEST night-out you could ask for! No kids; the restaurant is on the other side of town, at LEAST 45 minutes away from our side of town; low-lighting; fondue! What could be better? Excitedly I ran into the bathroom, showered, did my hair and makeup - that would be twice in one month for me on that - has to be a record! Packed up the kids and took them to grandma's and grandpa's house. As we are headed to restaurant, I realized, 'wait! I can't have cheese, or chocolate, or bread... and no soybean oil... what am I going to eat??!' After silently stressing about it, I finally asked Troy, who admitted that it had completely slipped his mind, too. We discussed changing plans, and I just wanted to die. This is a huge deal for us - the restaurant is so expensive, but we were on our way! How awful would I feel if we couldn't go, just because of me?? The solution: a little bit won't hurt him! And off we go! Happily, it didn't affect Graham at all. He was a little bit grumpy, but we are chalking that up to the fact that his first tooth came in the next day.

We had a great time - and I enjoyed everything. But I did learn one important lesson. When you have gone six months with a strict, no-dairy diet, and then you suddenly throw a cheese fondue course in... it will turn your stomach! We have discovered that I can handle cheese cooked into something (or sprinkled on something, like chili or tacos) but not by itself. Interesting turn of events from my usual, 'I think I'll have a cracker with my cheese' way of life.

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