Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Early Spring?

It would appear that Spring has come early to Tucson. The past few days it has been about 80 degrees. Our dryer is broken, so this weather is a blessing - all of my laundry dries in just an hour or two once I hang it outside. We were in the backyard today and I was hanging laundry while Gabriel played in his sand box. Graham was more or less happy in his playpen. Then I cut some beautiful coral pink roses to put on my dining room table, and Gabriel and I picked a ton of lemons off of our lemon tree. I have the feeling we'll be doing a lot with citrus around here for awhile. Lemon meringue pie, lemon-poppyseed bread, lemon tarts, lemon chicken... lemon lemon lemon.

Graham is continuing to make great strides in his development. He pulls up on just about anything now, and that includes me if I am standing still long enough. He is getting over an ear infection so he's not in the best mood, but he's still so dang cute you could just eat him up. Or "just lick him" as our pastor's wife, Dee, says.

Gabriel is starting to mellow a little bit. We had headed into some pretty rough times with temper tantrums and sharing, but hopefully he's moving past that now. Although, today he did throw a complete tantrum which ended only because he had induced an asthma attack and wasn't able to cry and kick anymore because he was coughing so badly. Nap time goes pretty smoothly right now, so that is a blessing, though.

Troy interviewed for a promotion last Tuesday and we are still waiting to hear the results from that. We are really praying that he will get this job - it would allow him to leave his desk to go out in the field and do auto damage evaluations. It also comes with all kinds of perks, so that is helpful, too. His hunt for a motorcycle continues and he is so excited about the possibility of owning one.

For me it is same old - same old. I am teaching Sunday school this week for the senior high school class at church, and I am really looking forward to it. Troy and I just got involved with the youth group recently and so far, I have just been sitting-in on their Sunday mornings, getting a feel for how things go. I hope it goes well, and that I can start doing it more frequently. I have to be honest, I feel like a goober sitting in the youth group on Sunday morning and not really doing anything. Troy and I led the recreation this past Sunday night, and the kids had a great time with that. Hopefully they will start relaxing around us soon. I have known most of these kids since I was taking care of them in the nursery or helping in the children's choir, and since I started helping in the youth department, they have taken to calling me 'Mrs. Coleman'. Ick! I am really hopeful that they will see that I am closer to them than they think I am, and that I will be a great resource for them, and a great friend.

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